Wendy Williams – Bentley SUV – $220,000

Known as the Queen of Radio, Wendy Williams dominated the airwaves from 1986 to 2009, with her time at WRKS becoming her most successful. Since her transition from the airwaves to the small screen, Williams became known for her own talk show, which has been either a conveyor of celebrity gossip or a creator of it. Overall, her influence in celebrity news is not one to be underestimated.

In the world of cars, on the other hand, Williams is a novice with only a little idea about them. Regardless, she has inherited many cars from her ex-husband Kevin Hunter, and some of them were gained through legal proceedings. One of the vehicles they owned was a red Bentley SUV worth $220,000. In addition, Williams has claimed ownership of one of her former husband’s Ferraris. After she won the suit with her lawyer, she towed the car and owned it since.
