Tiger Woods – Porsche Carrera GT – $440k

Tiger Woods is the face of golf for millions. He has been the most successful, if not one of the most successful, golfers of all time. His constant smashing of golf records made him a legend to millions and led to him gaining a net worth of $800 million. This makes him one of the richest athletes in the world. At one point, he was even the highest-paid athlete in the world. Despite his shortcomings in recent years, he remains a beloved icon to many.

Over the years, Woods has amassed a car collection that includes a Buick Enclave, a Cadillac Escalade, and a Buick Benga. However, his most precious ride is his Porsche Carrera GT, which is by far one of the most expensive cars in his possession. Featuring a 6-speed manual transmission, a 5.7 Litre V10 engine, and a breakneck maximum speed of 330km/h, its price tag of $440,000 is pretty much in line with its features. Hope that Woods has managed to get insurance for his cars.
