Angelina Jolie – Range Rover – Estimated $131,000

We all know that Angelina Jolie is a very versatile actress. Part of the credit actually goes to her parents for exposing her early to acting. As a child actress, Jolie started appearing alongside her father in 1982. This was followed by her own breakthrough film just a few years after, but it was her performance in Girl, Interrupted in 1999 that brought her tremendous fame. Well, an Academy Award win does that to anyone.

Over the years she has also accumulated a lot of wealth. A portion of that investment money goes into two things that she really loves, traveling and collecting vehicles. She likes globe-trotting so much that she even got her own pilot’s license, on top of her driver’s license. When not flying a plane, the actress is probably driving around in her Range Rover, estimated to be $131,000. It is a fitting ride for any terrain and for sure she made some wonderful memories with this muscle vehicle.
