Grady Demond Wilson – 74 – Retired

Grady Demond Wilson has played Lamont Sanford from NBC’s sitcom Sanford and Son. He plays the son of lead character Fred Sanford. He would work for this sitcom for five years before leaving the show to portray other roles such as Oscar Madison in The New Odd Couple. After a few movie offerings, Wilson slowly veered away from Hollywood to focus on his other skills. Many were impressed by Wilson’s writing skills when he wrote three books, entitled The New Age Millennium: An Expose of Symbols, Slogans and Hidden Agendas, and Second Banana.

Now at 73 years old, Wilson still has a lot on his sleeves, as he gives credit to his positive outlook and healthy body. Wilson was still able to appear in shows in the 2000s such as The Measure of a Man but has since decided to retire from acting. He lives in Palm Springs, California with his wife.
