Stephen Colbert & Evelyn McGee-Colbert – 28 Years

Stephen Colbert married his wife, Evelyn McGee, in 1993. This means that they will be celebrating their 28th anniversary this year! While we’re sad for Colbert’s ex-girlfriend – we really are, a broken heart is hard to mend after all – we have to give her credit for being the cause of one of Hollywood’s longest-standing relationships. According to the comedian, he met McGee because of his ex. Apparently, his then-girlfriend already wanted to marry, while the TV show host was not quite sure if that is what he desires as well. Colbert went home to his mother, who ultimately helped him realize that that was not what he wanted.

While he was there, his mother asked him to accompany her to an event where he would meet his future wire, McGee. It was something of love at first sight! Well, 28 years is a long time in Hollywood, or in life in general, really. I guess it’s safe to assume that this couple is definitely in it for the long run.
