Bill Maher & Anjulie Persaud – 7 Years

Bill Maher has a number of relationships, but he’s never married. Why? The famed comedian doesn’t understand how someone can stand being with the same person every day. Don’t get the 65-year-old political commentator wrong, though. He explained he only wants his me time so much that he wants to be careful to choose with whom he’s going to spend the rest of his time.

However, it looks like Anjulie Persaud has changed it, though not the marriage part. According to reports, they have been dating since 2014, so he’s basically with the Canadian singer for almost seven years. It’s already a long time for Bill, knowing he quickly gets bored in to longstanding romances. If Anjulie manages to convince Bill to tie the knot, doesn’t she deserve all the credit for changing the man? It looks like fans have to wait and see if Bill and Anjulie will take their relationship to another level.
