Woke (TBA)
Woke is a relatively new Hulu comedy series. It debuted on September 9, 2020, with an eight-episode first season. The show revolves around a cartoonist named Keef Knight, who is on the verge of becoming a mainstream success. Woke is credited with addressing contemporary social and political issues. Knight usually avoids contentious issues in order to maintain his image as a ‘woke’ black man.
The show received positive reviews after its first season, earning the studio approval for a second season. The second installment aired on April 8, 2022, and included an additional eight episodes in total. According to Rottentomatoes, it maintained its high average rating of 71 percent. However, with a 51 percent rating, the audience score is nearly 50/50. Hulu has yet to announce whether or not a third season will be released.
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