Virgin River (Renewed)

Virgin River’s Season three saw the introduction of Lexa Doig, who plays Paige Lassiter. This actress is a veteran in the sci-fi genre, having worked in Arrow and Stargate SG-1.  Fans were excited to really get to understand the future of Jack and Mel’s relationship, as well as find out who shot Jack during that cliffhanger Season two finale. Of course, Jack survives, much to the relief of everyone.

Now this series has been renewed not just for Season four, but also for Season five. This confirmation was heard around September 2021. There are no details yet on the release date nor is there any word just yet on when filming would begin. Alexandra Breckenridge, who plays Mel, said in an Instagram post that she has just finished the post-production audio digital recording for Virgin River, which, to a great degree, was a welcome development. Some observers are predicting a Summer 2022 release for Season four.
