Dirty Lines (New Series)
Thanks to streaming platforms like Netflix, more and more films and shows produced by foreign filmmakers get the chance to show their works to viewers from all corners of the world. Along with the now-popular K-Dramas that continue to garner a high degree of popularity, Netflix has also introduced us to a couple of European titles.
Another show that will make its way to Netflix’s roster of European series would be Dirty Lines. Set to premiere on April 8, 2022, the series’ story takes place in 1987 Amsterdam. It focuses on two brothers who have found a living maintaining a series of telephone lines and a psychology student looking for a side job. The two parties eventually meet, and from that point onward, their lives begin to change. It could be for the better; it could be for the worst or maybe it can be somewhere in between. All we know is that Dirty Lines offers plenty of room for character growth and potentially intriguing plot lines.
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