Siren (Cancelled)
After three successful seasons, Siren will be bidding farewell to its fans. The show premiered back in March of 2018, which featured Eline Powell as Ryn Fisher, an adult mermaid with a dark secret. The show certainly puts a dark spin on the entire mermaid mythology and legends surrounding the Bristol Cove. One could argue that the show’s biggest highlight is that it also tackled current issues besides being grounded in fantasy.
Siren was able to pull in more-than-decent ratings during its run, however, it gradually declined in both popularity and ratings. As a result, Freeform, which is a Disney-owned cable network, felt the need to pull the plug on the show as part of their investment planning. Despite being canceled, the show’s cast, staff, and producers deserve a ton of praise for wrapping it up quite nicely, and there’s certainly room for continuation in the future.
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