The Venture Bros (Cancelled)

Venture Bros was one of the most popular shows in Cartoon Network’s late-night programming, Adult Swim. It was written and developed by Jackson Publick, and premiered back in August of 2004. The show follows teenage twin brothers, Hank and Dean Venture, as they both venture through their lives as part of a superhero family.

Although the animated series has spanned for over 15 years, it has been known for releasing only a few seasons due to production limitations. After seven successful seasons, Publick announced on Twitter that Cartoon Network has canceled their investments for an eighth season. This came as a shock to everyone as it was announced that the eighth season was approved a month before. However, in May of 2021, it was also announced that there will be a direct-to-video film that will serve as the show’s ending. The movie will premiere on HBO Max and Adult Swim.
