Bless This Mess (Cancelled)

Bless this Mess is a sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether and Lake Bell, who also stars on the show. The story follows a young couple, Rio and Mike, who leave their home in New York for a farm in Nebraska. Little did they know that the farmhouse was neglected and worn down. Moreover, they find an old senile old man by the name of Rudy Longfellow residing there. The couple decide to stay and they find themselves adapting to their new life within a tightly knit community.

The cast members include Dax Shepard, Pam Grier, and Ed Begley Jr. To their credit, the series made fairly good reviews and aired for two seasons. However, in May of 2020, ABC announced that sitcom will be canceled. While the reason for the decision wasn’t specified, some speculate that it was due to the COVID pandemic hindering production and the network cutting costs.
