The Chi (Renewed)

The Chi is a coming-of-age drama series created by Lena Waithe. It’s about a series of events in a community in Southside Chicago that connects to the lives of its main characters, Emmett, Ronnie, Kevin, and Ronnie. The cast members include Jason Mitchell, Ntare Guma Mbaho, Mwine, and Jacob Latimore.

The series premiered on Showtime back in January of 2018. Since then, it has received a reasonable degree of recognition both from fans and critics. It was nominated for an NAACP Image Awards and also received a Black Reel Award. So far, The Chi has had four successful seasons, and fans wonder if there will ever be a fifth. The answer is yes. Not long after the season finale of the 4th season in August of 2021, the showrunners announced that there will be a fifth season. However, they have yet to announce a release date. Fans can expect the next episode sometime this 2022.
