Brave New World (Canceled)
Brave New World is a Sci-Fi drama series which premiered on NBC’s streaming service, Peacock, back in July of 2020. It was created and developed by David Weiner, Brian Taylor, and Grant Morrison. The cast members of the series include Harry Loyd, Alden Ehrenreich, and Jessica Brown Findlay.
The series is based on the popular dystopian novel of the same name by Aldous Huxley. As such, there was already an existing fan base for the series. To the credit of the actors, writers, and directors of the show, they did not disappoint. Despite the negative reviews from some critics, the audience ratings and feedback were fairly good. Rotten Tomatoes gave the show a below average 46% but the audience gave it a 79%. Sadly, in October of 2020, Peacock announced the show’s cancellation. However, fans of the show still hope that another network might pick the series up.
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