Kids Say the Darndest Things (Canceled)

Kids Say the Darndest Things had a degree of reasonable success during the late ‘90s. It was originally hosted by comedian Bill Cosby when it premiered in January of 1998 until June of 2000 on CBS. The show was based on a popular radio show and TV program during the ‘50s and ‘60s called Art Linkletter’s House Party. In 2019, the show was taken in by ABC for its revival, and it was hosted by stand-up comedian Tiffany Haddish, which aired from October of 2019 until January of 2020 until it was canceled.

However, the show would find its way back on CBS, its original network for another season, still hosted by Haddish, in May of 2021. Despite the network’s high hopes for the series, it would still deliver soft ratings compared to the other shows on the network. So far, CBS seems to maintain its contract with the program, and has yet to announce whether to cancel or renew.
