Billions (Renewed)
Billions follows the story of a hedge fund manager named Bobby Axelrod, played by Damian Lewis, as he traverses the world of high finance. Along the way, his investments and aggressive tactics crossover to the illegal, and he faces heat from the federal government.
The series premiered back in January of 2016 on Showtime, and has enjoyed six successful seasons so far. Billions has received positive reviews with its talented cast members such as Paul Giamatti, Maggie Siff, Malin Akerman, and David Costabile. The show’s sixth season has just ended, and fans are probably wondering if there will be another season. Luckily for them, the show creators wasted no time in announcing that they will be back for a seventh season. Moreover, unlike the wait between seasons five and six, fans would probably won’t be waiting as long since COVID restrictions have recently loosen up and won’t be hindering production.
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