This Is Us (Ended)
This is Us is a drama series that debuted in September 2016 with its first season. The story revolves around two parents and their three children. The cast includes Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, Chrissy Metz, Chris Sullivan, Jon Huertas, Justin Hartley, and Sterling K. Brown star.
So far, Rotten Tomatoes has given the series a rating of 94 percent, while the audience has given it a rating of 75 percent. With this, the show’s creators and NBC will undoubtedly have high expectations for the current season. Its sixth season is currently in progress, with the final episode set to air on April 26. The show’s executives announced in May 2021 that this will be the show’s final season. Fans, however, remain optimistic to some degree about the possibility of a seventh season. All they can do for the time being is sit back and watch the show’s finale in the hopes that it will be satisfying.
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